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Game LiveOps: Infrastructure to keep players engaged

Game studios need reliable infrastructure and live operations to deliver engaging, uninterrupted gameplay. Softtek's customized services scale your online games effortlessly, from game transactions and platform engineering to secure matchmaking and low-latency connectivity. We ensure top-tier performance, uptime, and player experiences for some of the world's most popular titles—so you can focus on delivering fresh content and innovation.

Our offer

We customize solutions across infrastructure support, network management, service management, and observability to meet your key backend and LiveOps needs. By focusing on business outcomes and continuous optimization, we improve performance alongside efficiency.


Main advantages

  • Global nearshore delivery + modular ‘building block’ services for unmatched flexibility
  • Hybrid, on-prem, and cloud ecosystem support

For studios

  • New title releases: Speed up your time to market
  • New acquisitions: Seamlessly onboard acquired titles and technologies
  • Technology roadmap evolution: Adapt and evolve your tech stack

For AAA games and publishers

  • Connectivity, player identity, gaming transactions, and matchmaking: With our global delivery, enable performance at scale for any number of gamers, anywhere in the world
  • Gameplay services: Unlock observability, monitoring, and real-time analytics to solve performance issues before they impact your player experience

Achievement unlocked: A new focus on gaming value drivers

From fluid matchmaking that captivates novices and veterans to fast and secure microtransactions, the success of session-based games hinges on more than just exceptional gameplay.

When your infrastructure is engineered for today's game-changing demands, you set the stage for new levels of engagement and growth.


Online gaming community
  • Player Exchanges
  • Hosting game parties
  • Custom Content
Adapt to new player trends, engagement, and preferences
  • Free to play
  • Pay to win
  • Play to earn
Player 360, data-driven achievement, and in-app purchases
  • Merit-based competitiveness and transactions

New High Score! Some of our clients have achieved:








Supported more than 100% increase
in transaction revenue from concurrent
players over the years








More than $50M in savings through
nearshore model








Zero Softtek-attributed outages
over the years








99.9% infrastructure availability
